Raising almost one million seedling is not easy. There are numerous literature, guide-books, and handbooks, and extensive research on this matters. The skills, know-how, and especially commonsense were critically challenged during this time.
To avoid the difficulties of finding sufficient labor and providing basic necessities, management usually will contract it out. But this will pose another problem:
less direct control on workers. The workers need to be continuously guided and educated because they drift easily away from nursery objective thus
producing high quality seedling at the
time of planting.

Contractors with get-rich-quick mentality usually neglect the welfare of their workers. Contractors will cut cost like crazy, workers often underpaid, and sometime oppressed. That is the reasons why locals reluctant to venture into O.P. plantation company. The foreign workers, usually 99% of workers population, turn rebellious and won't listen to their manager. Some time the manager will end up dead.
With that kind of workers we can't expect getting our objective. Management will impose penalty to main contractor which eventually pass it to their workers. The situations really intriguing and challenging. The nursery is maintained
nice from far, upon closer examination it is
far from nice. I think we have to re-engineer the system, but it is even trickier.