Thursday, December 23, 2010

Plantation Challanges

Plantation is mysterious place. Many things happens unnoticeable. People used to give reasons even ridiculous one. The days of military-like management has gone and replaced by more lenient and complacent management.

Complacency is the enemy of progress. Managers do not have time to check all operation in the plantation. The plantation is then divided into smaller units where each units will be supervised by a field supervisor. The supervisor is responsible for the small area and to solve problems within their capacity.

Most managers cannot accept reasons what they want is results. Field staffs must carry out any tasks given without fail. I was brought-up in military-like management where people have to do thing fast, effective and efficient. Respects is in the blood of planters and its subordinate. All these had change to weak management approach for plantation.

The "Big Guy" should device more accurate and systematic approach to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of their managers. Weaknesses can not be tolerated. Complacency is the mother of evil.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Land Development Completed!

A couple of years ago, this land were a jungle. During development lots of bitter sweet experience that shall remain untold. Now we can see it green and promising. The company implements many rules and regulations to control everything. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001 were implemented to form an Integrated Management System (IMS).

I am no longer a GIS draftsman but part of management implementing all these standards. The challenges is great but I am glad to be back in action again.