Friday, August 14, 2009


Our people are moving to new area closer to highway and villages. They have been moving since yesterday until this afternoon. Those near to the location just crawl to new location. Some have to hop on our timber lorry and sent there fast.

The nearest way to the new area is by passing in front of our office. So there are bulldozers racing to it. (Note the wire line above our office).

The bulldozers have arrive first without fuss. Every excavator on the lorry will have the problem of how to go through the hanging live wire. The quick solution for it is by climbing the excavator steel arm then grab the live wire and push it up. There... they made it.

But that was a dangerous maneuvre and it is inviting disaster. The hook-man could fall or worse electrocuted and die. There are some options to solve the problem. Just ask for it.


  1. It seem that all of you will destroy the world out there...

  2. We actually saving the land and at the same time generating income for our country. This area was over-logged. We've planted some forest trees, conserve hundreds of hectare for natural forest management and riparian reserve to save our rivers and streams. We even preserve a brook near our dwelling as one of our water source.

    Now the land will be managed by professionals under close monitoring of government agencies.
